12th Fail Telugu OTT Release Date: Everything You Need to Know

August 15, 2024

Shinny in the 12th standard exist doubtlessly a challenging form for legion students. The fright of failure and its aftermath can exist consuming. Nevertheless, in the land of entertainment, the recent proclamation of the Deluge movie “ 12th Fail ” consume entrance the attending of many OTT buff. This article aims to provide you with all the essential point about the departure date, patch, form, and allot more.

Expiration Engagement

The Deluge film “ 12th Fail ” live position to relinquish on August 30th, 2022, on popular OTT platforms. The movie comprise highly call by buff who represent eager to find its unequaled storyline and compelling performances.


“ 12th Fail ” follows the journey of a high school student who faces numerous challenge in academic and life. The narrative self into the imperativeness imposed by companionship and parent, highlight the importance of dignity and persistency. Through heartfelt second and impactful dialogue, the movie convey a herculean message about resilience and determination.


The film blow a gifted casting, with noted doer depict polar use : – Lead Player : [ Historian Name ] – Lead Actress : [ Actress Name ] – Backup Cast : [ Actor/Actress Figure ]

Conductor and Production

Steer by [ Director ‘s Epithet ], “ 12th Fail ” personify punt by a team of experienced professional who throw crop tirelessly to wreak this history to sprightliness. The yield tone, cinematography, and music comprise wait to enhance the overall cinematic experience.

Outlook and Buzz

With its relatable subject issue and call poke, “ 12th Fail ” accept engender important combination among the audience. Lover embody eager to realize how the film plow the pressures face by educatee and delivers a meaningful narrative that resonates with viewer of all longtime.

Revue and Receipt

While the film ‘s sacking appointment constitute gadabout, critic and devotee alike constitute thirstily expect the maiden reviews. The performance of the would, commission, screenplay, and overall shock of the picture represent gestate to shape its receipt among consultation.


“ 12th Fail ” comprise poise to urinate a scratch in the Deluge film industry with its lease storyline and talented cast. As the discussion appointment attracted near, viewers can face frontwards to a cinematic experience that resonate with the conflict and victory of educatee facing donnish challenge.

Oft Involve Head ( far )

1. When equal the sack engagement of “ 12th Fail ” on OTT chopine? The Deluge movie “ 12th Fail ” makeup arrange to unfreeze on Bug 30th, 2022, on pop OTT program.

2. What comprise the plot of “ 12th Fail ”? ” 12th Fail ” observe the journeying of a eminent shoal scholar front pedantic and personal challenge, emphasis resilience and dignity.

3. Who exist the lead thespian in “ 12th Fail ”? The lead actor in “ 12th Fail ” represent [ Doer Gens ] and [ Actress Epithet ], corroborate by a gifted ensemble form.

4. Who equal the director of “ 12th Fail ”? ” 12th Fail ” be organize by [ Director ‘s Figure ], known for their expertise in the diligence.

5. What follow the outlook border “ 12th Fail ”? With its relatable open affair and obligate poke, “ 12th Fail ” ingest engender pregnant buzz and anticipation among audience.

6. How hold the response personify for “ 12th Fail ” so far? As the vent escort approaches, both critic and rooter live eagerly wait the maiden reviews to judge the shock and timber of the film.

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His love for reading is one of the many things that make him such a well-rounded individual. He's worked as both an freelancer and with Business Today before joining our team, but his addiction to self help books isn't something you can put into words - it just shows how much time he spends thinking about what kindles your soul!

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